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膝关节X射线上的膝盖骨关节炎(KOA)的评估是使用总膝关节置换术的中心标准。但是,该评估遭受了不精确的标准,并且读取器间的可变性非常高。对KOA严重性的算法,自动评估可以通过提高其使用的适当性来改善膝盖替代程序的总体结果。我们提出了一种基于深度学习的新型五步算法,以自动从X光片后验(PA)视图对KOA进行评级:(1)图像预处理(2)使用Yolo V3-tiny模型,图像在图像中定位膝关节, (3)使用基于卷积神经网络的分类器对骨关节炎的严重程度进行初步评估,(4)关节分割和关节空间狭窄(JSN)的计算(JSN)和(5),JSN和最初的结合评估确定最终的凯尔格伦法律(KL)得分。此外,通过显示用于进行评估的分割面具,我们的算法与典型的“黑匣子”深度学习分类器相比表现出更高的透明度。我们使用我们机构的两个公共数据集和一个数据集进行了全面的评估,并表明我们的算法达到了最先进的性能。此外,我们还从机构中的多个放射科医生那里收集了评分,并表明我们的算法在放射科医生级别进行。该软件已在https://github.com/maciejmazurowowski/osteoarthitis-classification上公开提供。
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目的:为全身CT设计多疾病分类扫描使用自动提取标签从放射科文reports.Materials和方法三个不同的器官系统:这项回顾性研究共有12,092例患者(平均年龄57 + - 18; 6172名妇女)包括对模型开发和测试(2012-2017自)。基于规则的算法被用来从12,092患者提取13667身体CT扫描19,225疾病的标签。使用三维DenseVNet,三个器官系统是分段的:肺和胸膜;肝胆;和肾脏及输尿管。对于每个器官,三维卷积神经网络分类没有明显的疾病与四种常见疾病为跨越所有三个模型总共15个不同的标签。测试是在相对于2875个手动导出的参考标签2158个CT体积的子集从2133名患者( - ; 1079名妇女18,平均年龄58 +)进行。性能报告为曲线(AUC)与通过方法德朗95%置信区间下接收器的操作特性的区域。结果:提取的标签说明书验证确认91%横跨15个不同的唱片公司99%的准确率。对于肺和胸膜标签的AUC分别为:肺不张0.77(95%CI:0.74,0.81),结节0.65(0.61,0.69),肺气肿0.89(0.86,0.92),积液0.97(0.96,0.98),并且没有明显的疾病0.89( 0.87,0.91)。对于肝和胆囊的AUC分别为:肝胆钙化0.62(95%CI:0.56,0.67),病变0.73(0.69,0.77),扩张0.87(0.84,0.90),脂肪0.89(0.86,0.92),并且没有明显的疾病0.82( 0.78,0.85)。对于肾脏及输尿管的AUC分别为:石0.83(95%CI:0.79,0.87),萎缩0.92(0.89,0.94),病变0.68(0.64,0.72),囊肿0.70(0.66,0.73),并且没有明显的疾病0.79(0.75 ,0.83)。结论:弱监督深度学习模型能够在多器官系统不同的疾病分类。
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In this study, we systematically investigate the impact of class imbalance on classification performance of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and compare frequently used methods to address the issue. Class imbalance is a common problem that has been comprehensively studied in classical machine learning, yet very limited systematic research is available in the context of deep learning. In our study, we use three benchmark datasets of increasing complexity, MNIST, CIFAR-10 and ImageNet, to investigate the effects of imbalance on classification and perform an extensive comparison of several methods to address the issue: oversampling, undersampling, two-phase training, and thresholding that compensates for prior class probabilities. Our main evaluation metric is area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC AUC) adjusted to multi-class tasks since overall accuracy metric is associated with notable difficulties in the context of imbalanced data. Based on results from our experiments we conclude that (i) the effect of class imbalance on classification performance is detrimental; (ii) the method of addressing class imbalance that emerged as dominant in almost all analyzed scenarios was oversampling; (iii) oversampling should be applied to the level that completely eliminates the imbalance, whereas the optimal undersampling ratio depends on the extent of imbalance; (iv) as opposed to some classical machine learning models, oversampling does not cause overfitting of CNNs; (v) thresholding should be applied to compensate for prior class probabilities when overall number of properly classified cases is of interest.
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This short report reviews the current state of the research and methodology on theoretical and practical aspects of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). It was prepared to gather state-of-the-art knowledge needed to construct complex, hypercomplex and fuzzy neural networks. The report reflects the individual interests of the authors and, by now means, cannot be treated as a comprehensive review of the ANN discipline. Considering the fast development of this field, it is currently impossible to do a detailed review of a considerable number of pages. The report is an outcome of the Project 'The Strategic Research Partnership for the mathematical aspects of complex, hypercomplex and fuzzy neural networks' meeting at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland, organized in September 2022.
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Transfer learning is a popular technique for improving the performance of neural networks. However, existing methods are limited to transferring parameters between networks with same architectures. We present a method for transferring parameters between neural networks with different architectures. Our method, called DPIAT, uses dynamic programming to match blocks and layers between architectures and transfer parameters efficiently. Compared to existing parameter prediction and random initialization methods, it significantly improves training efficiency and validation accuracy. In experiments on ImageNet, our method improved validation accuracy by an average of 1.6 times after 50 epochs of training. DPIAT allows both researchers and neural architecture search systems to modify trained networks and reuse knowledge, avoiding the need for retraining from scratch. We also introduce a network architecture similarity measure, enabling users to choose the best source network without any training.
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Insufficient image spatial resolution is a serious limitation in many practical scenarios, especially when acquiring images at a finer scale is infeasible or brings higher costs. This is inherent to remote sensing, including Sentinel-2 satellite images that are available free of charge at a high revisit frequency, but whose spatial resolution is limited to 10 m ground sampling distance. The resolution can be increased with super-resolution algorithms, in particular when performed from multiple images captured at subsequent revisits of a satellite, taking advantage of information fusion that leads to enhanced reconstruction accuracy. One of the obstacles in multi-image super-resolution consists in the scarcity of real-world benchmarks - commonly, simulated data are exploited which do not fully reflect the operating conditions. In this paper, we introduce a new MuS2 benchmark for super-resolving multiple Sentinel-2 images, with WorldView-2 imagery used as the high-resolution reference. Within MuS2, we publish the first end-to-end evaluation procedure for this problem which we expect to help the researchers in advancing the state of the art in multi-image super-resolution.
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